You know that oddly satisfying sound an X-Acto knife cutting through paper makes? That was our office soundtrack yesterday.
In the spirit of the National Week of Making, we checked off a minor project in preparation for our Mini Maker Faire this October. We measured, cut and will soon laminate the giant arrows that will guide this year’s visitors to a variety of exciting maker booths on the second floor.
The 2015 arrows are long gone, but will be replaced with fancy laminated arrows this year! We would love to see what other BR folks are making. If you made a project during the National Week of Making, share it with us!
Last week, President Obama proclaimed June 17-23 as the National Week of Making.
Andrew Tadman, a member of our Maker Faire team, was invited to the events at the White House to kick off the National Week of Making. On Saturday, Andrew participated in a panel discussion Maker Faire Change Agents: Case Studies from Baton Rouge, Little Rock, Kingsport, Milwaukee at the National Maker Faire.
Our mascot Sprocket enjoyed the sights too, and we have learned even more ways to make our upcoming Mini Maker Faire in October better!