By agoncu, Sep 15, 2016
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Gavin Michelli, and I’m a comic book artist and illustrator living here in Baton Rouge. I have a lovely wife and two sons who run me ragged, but I love being a dad. I graduated from LSU in 2006 with a degree in Fine Arts, but I’ve been making art in some form or another all my life. By night, I don a mask and a cape to fight crime as Beard Man, Chubby Champion of Justice.
2. What are you presenting at the BRMMF?
Comics and artwork
3. Why is making important to you?
I have to. Art is who I am, and what I’m built to do.
4. What was the first thing you remember making?
A drawing of He-man, done in crayon, when I was about 4.
5. What have you made that you are most proud of?
My book of collected artwork, Ancients & Warriors, that was published by Inverse Press in 2012.
6. Given an unlimited budget, what would you make?
More comics! It costs next to nothing to create artwork, but it does cost a bit more to publish it!